wka;su j;djg uq¿ y|yku tljr n,d.kak


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fhda. msysàï i|yd wod< m,dm,
Tnf.a pß; ,laIK
újdyh yd wod, Y=N ld,hka
Okh" /lshdj yd jHdmdr
oreM, ms<sn| úia;r
Ôú; ld,hgu úfYaI wkd.; m,dm,
  • fhda. msysàï i|yd wod< m,dm,
  • jia;=j" Okh" bvï" foam, ,eîï yd ksjdibÈlsÍï i|yd iqn ld,hla
  • wOHdmkh" uki yd nqoaêh ms<sn|
  • y|yk wkqj iqÿiq /lshdjka" /lshdjg yd Wiiaùï j,g wod, iqn ld,hka
  • Tng ÈhqKqj f.k fok jHdmdr yd ÈhqKqjf.k fok iqn ld,hka
  • wdodhï" úhoï yd mdvq ms<sn| úia;r
  • flá ld,hla i|yd ,ndfok f.dapr m, jd¾;dj^rú" n%yiam;s yd fikiqre .%y n,mEu&

Our Customer Feedback

Samadhi Perera

Samadhi Perera

Thank you for your comprehensive astrology report. It's a valuable resource that I can refer to whenever I need guidance and inspiration. Your insights have left a positive impact on my life.

mßmQ¾K jd¾;djla ,nd§u ms<sn| ia;+;sjka; fjkjd' brKu fcda;sIHh jd¾;dj wkd.;h ms<sn| uÕfmkaùula ,nd.ekSug Ndú;d lrkak mq¿jka' Tnf.a jd¾;dj uf.a Ôú;hg Okd;aul n,mEula we;s lrkak iu;a jqKd'

Nilmini Thennakoon

Nilmini Thennakoon

I don't make decisions completely based on astrological predictions. But the Iranama astrology report provided insightful guidance on various aspects of my life & future. Thank you for your service.

uu fcda;sIHh lrmskakdf.k úYajdi lrk flfkla fkfõ' kuq;a wkd.;h ms,sn| uÕ fmkaùula ,nd.kak brKu fcda;sIHh jd¾;dj Woõjla jqKd'

Srimal Wedisinghe

Srimal Wedisinghe

I received complete & accurate horoscope prediction report. Thank you for providing detailed report within 24 hours.

uf.a y|yk ms,sn| iïmQ¾K yd ksjerÈ jd¾;djla ,nd ÿkakd' úia;rd;aul yd blauka fiajdjla ,nd§u ms<sn|j ia;+;sjka; fjkjd'

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About Us

Iranama.lk is the Sri Lankan number one astrological service owned by the Iranama.lk Pvt Ltd. We are providing online horoscope reading service in Sinhala language. Horoscope reading is ancient astrological since to understand the future life of a person. Our vision is “horoscope for every human.” Online Horoscope reading is more important to everyone to get better understanding about future & ready to the future. We are providing predictions for 25 years based on the astrological dahsa. Our Sinhala Horoscope report ( Kendara Palapala Sinhala ) is more than 30 pages which is covering all the aspect of a horoscope. Once you get our online astrological service we include about your marriage, job, Profession, Good time for marriage, Good time for business, Good time for job e.t.c. Online horoscope reading Sinhala service provided by Iranama.lk is most trusted astrological service in Sri Lanka. Iranama.lk is the only one place you can get the online horoscope Sinhala with more details & accurate predictions. Sri Lankan astrology remedies are based on Buddhism pooja to reduce difficulties (In Sinhala call apala) instead of poojas we are recommending piratical solutions for overcome difficulties (In Sinhala call apala). You’re Bith Star or the Astrology Zodiac Sign call as lagna in sinhala also providing more details about your life according to the placement of the horoscope. Same Birth Star or the Astrology Zodiac Sign call as lagna in sinhala also providing different data according to the placement of the horoscope. Iranama.lk is using new technology for calculation of Birth Chart to get accurate horoscope making Sri Lanka using your Birth Details get detailed Horoscope Reading Sinhala.